Soul Purpose

Soul Purpose Therapies

Are you ready for healing?


Do you relate to any of the following questions???

Where do you go to find yourself?
How do you find balance in relationships, careers and daily life?
Can you create space to breathe and reflect?
Are you able to release the blockages that inhibit change and growth in your life?
Would you like to develop a greater sense of self awareness and learn to view your life’s journey with new vision and perspective?
Do you feel Lost?

If you relate to any of these questions, let us help you find the answers you seek.
Contact Us

Soul Purpose Hypnotherapy can assist you with:

  • Stress Management
  • Pain Control
  • Quit Smoking
  • Weight Loss
  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Confidence
  • General Relaxation
  • Mental Well Being
  • Soul Path
  • Past Life Resolution
  • Self Esteem
  • Motivation
  • Depression
  • Phobias, Fears and much more
Hypno for mental health

When it feels dark where you are standing,
Look ahead to the light. . .

Past Life Resolutions

Sometimes we experience repetitive situations in our life that we seem unable to resolve and which defy explanation.
These situations may involve habits, behaviours, dreams, or reoccurring episodes that impact our relationships, careers, life choices etc.

In many of these such incidences past life influence is at the root of the cause. Through journeying to the point of the initialising event, understanding, acceptance and release can be achieved when accessing the far memory, bringing resolution to the current life situation. Suzanne utilizes Journey Point counselling in conjunction with hypnosis to bring about the required changes and healing.
Inner Goddess

Inner Goddess Sessions

There are times we may feel disconnected from our true self and life path. These feelings may manifest in a loss of direction and  harmony in many, or all aspects of our life  and may lead us to pondering our self worth  and questioning our purpose  and of who we really are.

This session is designed to re-establish connection with the innate wisdom that lies within, and assists in the understanding of life's journey and the primordial strength that is inherent in womanhood.

Menopause: A Shamanic Approach

In life, this phase may seem dark and confusing, however, there is a light shining brightly.

This session embraces the spiritual aspect of the journey into crone-ship. Focusing on the significant energy shifts occurring during this time of empowerment in the female psyche. Relaxation, visualization, meditation and breathing  techniques assist in restoring the being to balance. The session encourages creative expression and developing strategies for creating harmony, movement and the joy of self  love and acceptance.